After a fall, a victim could have severe injuries like traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and hip fractures. These conditions can cause long-term pain and suffering, significant medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, and an increased risk of falling in the future. When someone suffers a fall that occurs because of the negligence of another person, the victim could seek damages.
Additionally, the most serious consequence of a fall, especially for an elderly person, is a fatality. They also could result in permanent disability, which means those caring for the elderly must be aware of any fall risks and do everything possible to prevent them.
Long-Term Effects of a Fall Injury
When someone suffers a fall injury, he or she may recover within a few weeks from a broken bone, allowing a return to work and a minimal reduction in quality of life.
However, for other types of fall injuries, the effects can be extremely serious, leading to long-term health problems, severe emotional trauma, and ongoing pain and suffering.
Hip Fractures
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the most serious injuries from a fall for senior citizens is a broken hip. More than 95% of hip fractures in those 65 and older happen after a fall. After suffering a hip fracture, the elderly person often is unable to live on his or her own going forward.
Treatments for hip fractures are not always effective, as the recovery process is extremely stressful mentally and physically. In the worst-case scenario, an elderly person who suffers a hip fracture may not survive the injury.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBIs)
If someone hits his or her head on the ground or on another object while falling, this can lead to an extremely serious injury, including a TBI.
A TBI can change a person’s life, as it can affect personality, memory, and the ability to work. Some TBIs heal after weeks or months of rest, while some effects of a TBI never heal.
Emotional Trauma
After falling once, some people, especially senior citizens, may develop a significant fear of falling again in the future. This fear could lead to a reduction in quality of life. The victim of the fall may stop doing their favorite activities or may reduce his or her movement, leading to a loss of muscle mass and weakness.
Injuries Seniors Can Suffer After a Fall
As people age, the risk of falling increases. The CDC estimates that one out of four people age 65 and older fall every year. Of those falls, one out of five results in a serious injury.
Serious fall injuries can include:
- Broken bones in the arms, ankles, and wrists
- Head injuries, including concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Hip fractures
- Facial trauma
In addition, an elderly person who falls could end up with significant bruising. Bruises can become extremely dangerous for a person of any age who is taking blood-thinning medication. A fall could lead to life-threatening internal bleeding, and the victim may not even realize the severity of the injury.
Fall Injuries for Younger People
A younger person also has the risk of suffering severe injuries after a fall, although the risk of suffering a fall is lower. A young person who is taking medications, such as sedatives or antidepressants, could have balance problems that result in a fall.
Oftentimes, though, if a younger person falls and has serious injuries, the chances of the fall occurring because of the negligence of someone else, such as a property owner, are higher.
We Will Stand with You During Your Injury Claim
After you or a loved one suffers a fall that results in serious injuries that require emergency medical care and long hospitalization, you may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. With this type of claim, you can receive awards for a number of different items, including:
- Emergency care costs
- Surgery costs
- Ongoing pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Prescription medication
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation appointments
Reach Out to the Attorneys at High Stakes Injury Law Today
Count on the team at High Stakes Injury Law to keep you informed about your personal injury claim throughout the process during our negotiations with the insurance company.
Attorneys Jack Bernstein and Scott Poisson have more than 60 years of combined experience and have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in claims for clients. Call us today for a free consultation.