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How to Get the Most Money from a Car Accident Claim?

Accurately calculating your damages is how you get the most money from a car accident claim. However, you may have to fight for the compensation you need. When an insurer makes an initial settlement offer, they may not account for all of your losses, such as future medical bills. If your injuries cause you long-term […]

What Is Considered a Hazardous Condition in a Premises Liability Case?

Hazardous conditions in premises liability cases refer specifically to any condition that could be dangerous or pose a threat to visitors. Both public and private property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe, and the failure to do so could be grounds for legal action. An injured party generally files premises liability cases involving […]

What is the Average Settlement for Shoulder Surgery After a Car Accident?

There is no average settlement for shoulder surgery after a car accident. Your own potential settlement will be based on the facts of your individual case, such as: If you hire our team, we can consider each of these factors to determine the value of your case. Ways You Can Help Bolster Your Car Accident […]

How to Deal With Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident?

The first thing to know about dealing with insurance adjusters after a car accident is that they are not on your side. Their goal is to save their company money by undervaluing and denying claims. These representatives will look for any reason to pay you as little money as possible. So, you should: You should […]

What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Premises Liability Claim?

The statute of limitations for a premises liability lawsuit is two years, according to NRS §11.190(4)(e).  When you have been hurt on another’s property, you will likely be looking for justice. Filing a premises liability claim is your right and could result in financial compensation for what you went through.  Who Can You Sue for a […]

What is the Average Settlement for PTSD after a Car Accident?

Although intangible damages are some of the most complex losses to valuate in a car accident case, we will base the value of your PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) damages on several guiding factors, including: We have over 60 years of combined experience with these kinds of cases, so we understand how to put a dollar […]

What Safety Standards Do Property Owners HAve to Have in Place?

Property owners in Nevada have to ensure the safety of visitors to the property. State law does not specify exact items in regard to safety, however. Property owners need to ensure the safety of visitors in a variety of areas by maintaining: If the property owner failed to provide a safe area for you as a legal […]

How Negligence Is Established in a Truck Accident

How negligence is established in a truck accident is similar to how negligence is shown in other legal cases or insurance claims. The Legal Information Institute (LII) explains that a standard for negligence is whether someone acted reasonably. If they did not and their actions caused harm to others, then that person may be guilty of negligence. […]

What is the Average Settlement for a Herniated Disc Car Accident?

Every car accident case that results in a herniated disc comes with its own set of circumstances. Therefore, there is no average settlement amount for these types of cases. Your insurance settlement or court award will be determined based on: A lawyer from our team can calculate the value of your damages if you were […]

What Should I Do After Injuring Myself on Someone Else’s Property?

What you should do after injuring yourself on someone else’s property should first involve seeking immediate medical attention. There are several other steps you should consider after an accident like this, including: Should You Hire a Lawyer? It is completely normal to feel confused after a traumatic event like this. Just remember that your accident […]

How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?

It costs nothing upfront to hire a truck accident lawyer from High Stakes Injury Law. We handle all personal injury cases on a contingency-fee-basis, meaning that you pay us no retainer, and we advance all the costs of your case. Our payment comes out of the settlement or court award that you receive. If you […]

When Can I Expect to Get Paid from My Premises Liability Claim?

Every case is unique, so it is impossible to give you an exact time frame for your claim’s completion. Still, we can go over some general timelines for what to expect when filing a premises liability claim. Your case could be resolved within a few months, but some factors can make it drag out.  Factors […]

What is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident While Pregnant?

When we help you determine your case’s value, we won’t assess your case based on a general settlement average—instead, we will consider specific details of your car accident case and how they affected your pregnancy, including: If a car accident has severely affected your well-being, health, and pregnancy, we will fight to not only recover […]

How Much Should You Settle for After a Truck Accident?

Losses are different for every truck accident, and a lawyer may tell you how much you should settle for after a truck accident. Any figure that your lawyer quotes should come after careful consideration of your accident and the losses from your accident. Your lawyer may consider: Truck accidents may be expensive, and your lawyer […]

Will My Premises Liability Case Be Settled Out of Court?

There is always the possibility that your premises liability case will be settled out of court. These settlements are common, especially in cases where liability is clear. However, there is no way to guarantee that your case will be settled without the need for a trial.  If you suffered an injury on someone else’s property, […]

What is the Average Settlement for a Bulging Disc After a Car Accident?

There is no average settlement for a bulging disc after a car accident. One reason for this is that the outcomes of many personal injury cases are confidential. Another reason is that the value of your specific case will depend on the facts of your situation. Our law firm can calculate the cost of your […]

Am I Entitled to Compensation for My Slip and Fall Injury?

If you were injured in a slip and fall caused by someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to seek compensation for your slip and fall injury. You could have a long road to recovery ahead of you, and your injuries could even end up leaving lasting damage that affects your life going forward. Your […]

What is the Average Settlement for Broken Bones in a Car Accident?

There is no way to calculate the average settlement for broken bones in a car accident, but you can determine your case’s worth with the help of our law firm. The value of your case depends on the severity of your injuries and how they will affect your life going forward. Broken bones can result […]

How Much Should You Settle for After a Car Accident?

How much you should settle for after a car accident depends on your losses and the part you played in the accident. Types of Losses Generally, you might be entitled to recover compensation for the following losses: A lawyer can help you determine what you can recover from the negligent party in a personal injury […]

Can My Conduct Prevent My Slip and Fall Case?

Your conduct can prevent your slip and fall case, but it may not. Some people do not seek financial compensation (known as damages) after a slip and fall accident because they fear that their behavior during the accident will prevent their case. Even if you were partially responsible for your accident, however, you could still […]