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Can I File a Claim if I Have No Memory of My Car Crash?

Memory loss after a car crash or any other traumatic event is common. Often, the inability to remember what happened is short-lived. However, memory loss could last longer or even be permanent. Learn more about memory loss after a crash, including whether it could prevent victims from seeking compensation. High Stakes Injury Law is a […]

Can a Lawsuit Be Reopened After Reaching a Settlement?

After reaching a settlement, some injury victims may question whether the compensation offer they agreed to is full and fair. Other victims may wonder, for various reasons, if it is possible to reopen a lawsuit after reaching a settlement agreement. Unfortunately, once you agree to a settlement, it is rare that you would be able […]

What to do After a Las Vegas Hit-and-Run Accident

Being involved in a car crash is traumatic, both for the at-fault driver and the injured victim or victims. However, some collisions, including a Las Vegas hit-and-run accident, are especially traumatic and even horrific. Victims left at the scene, especially pedestrians and cyclists, are often further injured by other vehicles. What began as a terrible […]

Who Could be at Fault for a Crash on the Shoulder of the Road?

Having your car break down while driving is inconvenient at best. It can also be extremely dangerous if there is no safe place to pull over. Often, drivers may pull onto the shoulder to assess the problem or call and wait for roadside assistance. Nevada has move over laws to help protect disabled, utility and […]

Who is Liable for an Obstructed View Auto Accident?

If you drive, you have likely experienced stopping at an intersection where your view of oncoming traffic is blocked. It is a frustrating experience and often nerve-racking for most drivers. How can you tell if it is safe to go through the intersection when your line of sight is blocked? If you are unsure about […]

Does Car Insurance Cover a Crash on Private Property?

When a car accident happens on a public road, drivers look to the insurance company to cover the damages. However, if there is a crash on private property, drivers may be unsure what to do next. Should you call police to the crash scene? Who is liable for the damages? Does insurance still apply? At […]

Casino Shuttle Bus Injuries in Las Vegas: Can You File a Claim?

People often head to Las Vegas to gamble and have fun at one of the many casinos. However, what happens to visitors who suffer a casino shuttle bus injury? Is it possible to seek compensation to help recover certain damages, such as medical costs? At High Stakes Injury Law, we discuss what you can expect […]

Avoiding Wet Weather Car Crashes in Las Vegas

While it is hot for much of the year in Las Vegas, we still get rain, particularly in the winter months, which are rapidly approaching. Wet weather crashes in Las Vegas are a serious risk to local and out-of-state drivers after any amount of rainfall. Statistics show that rain causes more crashes across the U.S. […]

How to Know if Your Car Insurance Company is Acting in Bad Faith

Drivers buy auto insurance policies as protection in case they are involved in a car crash. In return, they expect their insurance company will not act in bad faith and will fairly handle any claim that arises. However, what if you are in a crash and your claim is wrongly denied or not even properly […]

Liability for a Slip and Fall in a Las Vegas Parking Garage or Parking Lot

A slip and fall in a Las Vegas parking garage or parking lot could cause significant injuries, such as fractured limbs or herniated disks. Watching medical bills pile up and struggling to pay them because you cannot work can be extremely stressful. However, another party, like the property owner, could be liable for your damages. […]

Delayed Car Crash Symptoms That Could Mean a Serious Injury

Delayed car crash symptoms are common, even following a minor accident. Some symptoms are more visible, while others may be unapparent for hours, days or weeks afterward. Many crash victims may think because they do not see a wound or feel much pain, they do not need to go the hospital. However, not getting examined […]

What Injured Victims Often Ask a Lawyer After a Car Crash

Traffic accidents create a lot of unexpected issues for victims. In addition to seeking medical care for any injuries, there are also medical costs, property damages, and the insurance company to deal with. Often, the best decision an injured victim can make after a car crash is to seek legal help. At High Stakes Injury […]

When Could Drivers Be Liable for Damages Due to Improper High Beam Use?

When driver negligence leads to a car crash, serious injuries and costly property damage can occur. One very common type of negligent driving behavior is the misuse of high beams. When oncoming motorists cannot see due to the bright lights of another driver’s high beams, even for a few seconds, the natural reaction is to […]

Are Drivers Always to Blame for Crashes That Happen in Road Work Zones?

There is always a lot of road construction in Las Vegas, which increases the risk of a work zone crash. Unfortunately, the number of work zone crashes has continued to rise, both in Nevada and nationwide. This is often due to speeding and distracted drivers. However, are drivers always responsible for a construction zone crash? […]

Can Jaywalkers Be Liable for a Crash in Nevada?

When a pedestrian gets hit by a car, most people immediately assume the driver is at fault. Often that assumption is true. Drivers are more protected than pedestrians, and drivers have a duty to yield to a pedestrian in their path. That said, a jaywalking pedestrian may be held partially, if not fully, liable for […]

What Evidence May Help to Prove You Were Hit by a Distracted Driver?

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car crashes in Nevada and across the country. Most people think of texting and driving when they hear about this phenomenon, but this is not the only distracted driving behavior that can lead to a collision. If you suspect that the negligence of a distracted driver […]

Liability if Failing to Signal a Turn or Lane Change Causes a Crash

Turn signals are designed to alert others that a driver is about to turn or change lanes. When used properly, this simple but effective device could prevent hundreds of thousands of senseless collisions. Unfortunately, many drivers who fail to use their turn signal may cause serious harm to others in a lane change crash. Whatever […]

Seeking Compensation After a Road Rage Accident in Las Vegas

Road rage accidents are not like other crashes caused by driver error or negligence. They are due to extreme reckless or aggressive driving that turns into a criminal act. The at-fault parties in these incidents are out-of-control, making them very dangerous to others. If you find yourself on the receiving end, do you know how […]

What is Maximum Medical Improvement – MMI – in a Car Crash Claim?

Reaching maximum medical improvement in a car crash claim is an important milestone in an accident victim’s recovery. It is also when attorneys will have the information that they need to accurately calculate the full value of that victim’s claim. At High Stakes Injury Law, we have extensive knowledge of all types of car crash […]

Why Documenting Injuries After a Car Crash May Help Your Claim

Car crash victims face disruption from their normal lives, an unexpected financial burden and sometimes, may never fully recover. Getting the medical care you need is expensive, even for minor injuries, so recovering maximum compensation to help pay for those damages is important. While there are no guarantees in the legal process, there are steps […]