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What Should I Do at the Scene of a Car Accident?

The first thing you should do at the scene of a car accident is to pull out of traffic (if possible) to ensure you do not get into another accident. You should then check yourself, the passengers in your vehicle, and the passengers in the other vehicle(s) for injuries. After that, you can call 9-1-1 […]

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

If you were involved in a car accident, you may have questions regarding what a car accident lawyer does. Well, car accident lawyers handle everything from negotiations with insurance providers to litigation in front of a judge. The specifics of their role can change from case to case, but one fact stays constant regardless of […]

What Should I Do at the Scene of a Truck Accident?

Getting to safety and calling law enforcement should be priorities immediately after your truck accident. Once you do this, you may also call a lawyer’s team, as they can provide specific advice about what you should do at the scene of your truck accident. Other steps you may want to take after your accident are: […]

What Damages Can I Collect for a Truck Accident?

If you are involved in a truck accident through no fault of your own, you could pursue an array of damages for a truck accident. This is good news for accident victims, as the injuries that come with truck accidents can be severe. Because of these commercial vehicles’ size, the other motorists involved in the […]

What Should I Do in the Days Following a Car Accident?

It is imperative to know what you should do in the days following a car accident. Immediately after an auto accident, survivors may have clouded thinking and be uncertain of who to call, what to say, and where to go. By the time you read this, hopefully, you have exchanged insurance information with the other […]

What Should I Do in the Days Following a Truck Accident?

Two things that you should do in the days following a truck accident are: A lawyer can work on various aspects of your case while you receive the medical attention that you need. Medical care is important both because it could help prevent you from suffering further injury and because documenting your injuries is important […]

What Damages Can I Collect for a Car Accident?

Ideally, avoiding a collision should be as straightforward as exercising caution and employing safe driving behaviors. Unfortunately, no one can control the actions of other drivers. The financial repercussions of a collision can be catastrophic. Victims are often unfamiliar with Nevada state law and unsure what damages they can collect for a car accident. While […]

What to Do When Someone Hits Your Parked Car?

After someone hits your parked car, take pictures of the damages to your car and your injuries (if applicable), call the police to make an accident report, and inform your insurance company of what happened. A personal injury lawyer from our team can help you determine who is liable for the accident and pursue compensation […]

What Types of Fall Prevention Assistance Are Provided by Nursing Homes?

Nursing home staff and administrators have a duty to help protect their residents from these falls. In some cases, if nursing home staff did not take steps to help a resident avoid a preventable fall, they could be found liable in a civil claim or lawsuit. Of all the risks of injury or illness in […]

What Will My Car Accident Lawyer Look for in My Claim?

When you hire a car accident lawyer, they will look for many pieces of information in regard to your claim. They will acquire the official car accident report to determine who was at fault for the collision. They will then look into local and state laws to determine who bears liability for the accident. They […]

What Causes Choking in Nursing Homes?

Choking accidents are common in nursing homes because of neglect, negligence, and the poor health of residents. In addition to the numerous health conditions that can cause choking accidents, many incidents of choking are caused by employees who are not careful enough when feeding the patients. Some elderly people do not have proper teeth, gums, […]

When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

You should get a lawyer for a car accident if you suffered injuries and/or other losses that cost you time, money, and pain and suffering in the past and future. If your case is legally complicated, such as a situation where multiple liable parties are involved, a lawyer can also be helpful. If you wish […]

What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Truck Accident?

You can call the team for a lawyer to protect your rights after a truck accident. In the interim, between your accident and speaking with a lawyer, you may protect your rights by not admitting fault or apologizing to anybody involved in your accidents. These are pieces of advice that a lawyer or their team […]

When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Truck Accident?

Only you can decide when you should get a lawyer for a truck accident, but it may generally be better to retain an attorney as soon as possible. A lawyer may assist you after your accident by protecting your rights, helping you seek medical care, and ensuring that your lawsuit or insurance claim is filed […]

What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Car Accident?

To protect your rights after a car accident, it might help you to hire a personal injury lawyer. A lawyer can handle all communications with the negligent party and their insurance company for you, ensure you have all of the necessary evidence, build your claim, and help you reach a settlement for compensation. There are […]

When Will I Start Getting Paid from My Car Accident Settlement?

It is impossible to say exactly when you will start getting paid from your car accident settlement. Each car accident case is different, and various elements factor into how fast you can receive compensation. One of the determining factors revolves around whether or not your car accident attorney must bring your case to trial. For […]

Who Can Be Sued in a Car Accident Case?

In a car accident case, who can be sued will rest on the details of the crash. For instance, if you were injured by another driver, you could sue them directly if you cannot recover compensation via an insurance settlement. However, if the other driver was working at the time of the collision, then you […]

What Are the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

Some signs of nursing home abuse that could point to verbal, physical, or sexual mistreatment of a senior include: There may be other signs of abuse or general neglect in a facility, such as a lack of hygiene. Observing caregivers calling residents names or handling them roughly should raise red flags immediately. What Happens if […]

Who Can Be Sued in a Truck Accident Case?

Your lawyer will inform you of who can be sued in your truck accident case. Generally, an at-fault truck driver and their employer may be the first parties that your lawyer reviews as potentially liable parties. Others who could be liable for a truck accident are: Determining who is liable for your accident is one […]

What Are the Signs of Dehydration?

According to research from the Mayo Clinic, the signs of dehydration include changes in attitude, bowel movements, urination, and physical appearance. Ultimately, the symptoms of dehydration are known to vary, depending on the age of the sufferer. In elderly sufferers, it may be difficult to identify some of the symptoms, such as dark urination, for example. […]