In many cases, you could sue someone if you hurt yourself on their private property. These injuries could occur in the home of a loved one or on rural property owned by an acquaintance. The determining factor in a premise liability case rests on whether the property owner acted negligently and whether their negligence led to your injuries.
If a private property owner’s negligence is responsible for your injuries, you have the right to hold them accountable through a civil lawsuit. These cases are complicated, with liability rules that differ from most injury cases. We could help ensure you are able to pursue your claim without costly errors.
Your Legal Options When You Suffer an Injury on a Private Property
The right to pursue legal action after an injury on private property will vary from one jurisdiction to another. In most states, your right to be on the property will play a major role in whether or not you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries.
For example, the duty that a homeowner owes to someone they have invited over for a social visit is much higher than the one they owe to a trespasser.
You may begin pursuing compensation from a negligent property owner by filing an insurance claim with their provider. We can help you avoid accepting an unfair settlement and negotiate with the insurance company. If negotiations with an insurance company do not yield fair compensation, we can then help you file a personal injury lawsuit.
Hazards on Private Property that You Can Include in a Premises Liability Claim
There are countless injuries that can occur in a person’s home or elsewhere on their private property. Some common hazards include:
- Dangerous equipment. Some private property is home to dangerous machinery or farming equipment. When used improperly, this equipment could cause severe injuries, especially to children.
- Fires. The failure of a property owner to take proper safety precautions could result in a fire on the premises. The injuries from fires are often severe.
- Accumulated ice or snow. While property owners cannot prevent ice or snow from accumulating, they can take steps to remove accumulated precipitation in a reasonable amount of time.
- Swimming pools. While swimming pools offer fun recreational activities, they are also frequently a source of injuries or death. Other serious injuries could occur for anyone that dives into a shallow pool and injures themselves when striking the pool bottom.
- Slick surfaces. Falls are serious accidents that can occur on private property. Surfaces that are slick due to spilled drinks or cleaning supplies are often responsible for these accidents. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls send more than 800,000 people a year to emergency rooms.
These examples are only a few of the factors that could result in a serious injury on another person’s private property. The nature of these injuries can also vary, with some carrying life-changing consequences.
Steps to Take Following Your Injury at Someone Else’s Residence
Because a legal claim could be possible after an injury on private property, the steps you take immediately after the accident are important. These steps could not only protect your legal rights but your health as well.
- Seek medical attention. If you are injured, seek immediate medical care. Even if you believe your injuries will clear up on their own, it is best to seek out a doctor right away. Your doctor can prevent your symptoms from worsening and document your effort to treat your wounds.
- Gather evidence. If possible, gather evidence from the location of the accident. This could include photos of exposed electrical wire or even a sample of the substance that caused you to slip and fall.
- Preserve records. Keep records related to your injury, including your medical reports and bills.
- Work with an attorney. Your attorney could advise you on the strength of your case and help you pursue legal action if necessary.
Discuss Your Rights with Our Attorneys Today
When it comes to an injury on the property of another person, we could advise you on your next steps. In addition to advising you of your rights, we could help you sue someone if you hurt yourself on private property.
Let the attorneys of High Stakes Injury Law assist following an accident on private property. We understand the challenges that come with these claims and are ready to help you seek financial recovery. To get started, call for a free consultation with High Stakes Injury Law.