An Elko man is standing trial on charges of DUI related to an accident that killed his fiancée. Jason Frazier, 38, had pleaded not guilty to charges that he killed Kelli Cantrell, 46, by driving over her with his vehicle at the Winecup Ranch near Wells. According to police reports, Frazier told officers that he and Cantrell were scouting for elk when she jumped out of his moving vehicle, causing him to run over her accidentally. However, police also noted that Frazier’s blood alcohol percentage at the time of the crash was .14, nearly twice the legal limit of .08 percent. Frazier has been charged and will stand trial in the case.
Pedestrians are often victims in fatal accidents. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely to be killed in an accident that the occupant of a vehicle. In Nevada, 36 pedestrians died in 2010 compared to 257 people killed in car accidents. This means that pedestrians accounted for about 12 percent of all traffic fatalities for the year, a number that is in line with national averages. Most pedestrian fatalities, however, do not occur in remote areas but in areas where there is a great deal of traffic. It is unusual to see a case like this one, although it is not unheard of. Alcohol often fuels pedestrian accidents as well, both in the case of the pedestrian and the driver. In fact, many pedestrian accident victims actually have a blood alcohol percentage over the legal limit, just as the drivers do in these crashes. Simply put, alcohol is a contributing factor in many accidents involving injury and death.
If you are the victim of a pedestrian accident, it is important to protect your right to collect monetary damages for your injuries. You may find that you are facing medical bills, lost wages and other expenses in connection with your accident. You may be able to collect these sums with the help of a personal injury attorney, as well as money for your pain and suffering. High Stakes Injury Law, personal injury attorneys in Las Vegas, are ready to help you collect compensation to pay for your expenses and your trauma. Contact them today for a consultation to learn about how you may be able to collect monetary damages.