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Auto Accidents

How Much Is a Rear-End Accident Worth?

How Much Is a Rear-End Accident Worth? | High Stakes Injury Law

The amount a rear-end accident is worth depends on the extent of the damages it causes. These damages can include your injuries, damage to your vehicle, lost wages or future earning potential, and past and future pain and suffering.

Behaviors that Cause Rear-End Traffic Accidents

There are many kinds of dangerous driving behaviors that can cause rear-end accidents:

  • Aggressive driving: Those who are speeding, tailgating, and otherwise driving aggressively may have difficulty braking in time to avoid a rear-end accident.
  • Driving in poor weather conditions: If a driver fails to adjust for poor road or weather conditions, they may lose control of their vehicle or otherwise be unable to prevent a rear-end collision.
  • Drunk or drug-impaired driving: Those who are under the influence may have dulled senses and reflexes, making it difficult or impossible for them to see and respond to drivers ahead of them.
  • Fatigued driving: Drowsy drivers also have dulled senses and reflexes, and they may nod off at the wheel, driving into the vehicles ahead of them.
  • Distracted driving: A distracted driver may not notice changes to the flow and speed of traffic. If they are looking at their phone or messing with the radio, they may not see that the cars ahead of them have stopped, causing a rear-end accident.

All of these negligent driving behaviors can put the driver at fault for the accident, making them responsible for your medical bills, lost wages, and past and future pain and suffering.

Rear-End Traffic Accident Injuries that Could Entitle You to Damages

Some injuries that can occur after rear-end accidents are as follows:

  • Whiplash: Whiplash happens when the head moves backward and forward rapidly along the neck. This can sometimes develop into a painful, chronic condition.
  • Other back and neck injuries: In addition to whiplash, you can suffer other injuries to your neck and pack, including sprains, strains, herniated discs, fractures, and even spinal column damage. Damage to the spinal cord can result in loss of sensation and paralysis in parts of the body.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI): TBIs are caused by the head being forcefully struck. They can range from mild concussions to brain bleeds, comas, and death.
  • Broken bones: Broken bones can temporarily disable you while causing pain and internal injuries. In the case of severe fractures, you may need to have your limb or appendage amputated or undergo surgery to repair the bone.
  • Internal injuries: in serious crashes, you may suffer internal bleeding and organ damage that requires surgery to repair. In severe instances, you may even need an organ transplant.

If you have suffered any of these injuries after a negligent driver struck you from behind, you may be able to recover damages to help with your expenses.

Recoverable Damages in Car Accident Cases

There are two types of recoverable damages in car accident cases: economic damages and non-economic damages.

According to NRS §41A.011, economic damages are defined as compensation for “medical treatment, care or custody, loss of earnings and loss of earning capacity.” This includes compensation for any ongoing and future medical care you need due to your injuries, not just your initial medical costs right after your accident.

On the other hand, non-economic damages refer to compensation for your “pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement, and other non-pecuniary damages.” Basically, these are the things that impact your life but that do not necessarily have a price tag attached.

Our Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Seek Damages

With the help of a personal injury lawyer from High Stakes Injury Law, you may be able to recover these damages to help with your expenses after you are hurt in a rear-end accident. A lawyer can evaluate the specifics of your case to determine how the other driver’s negligence and the extent of your injuries may affect how much your rear-end accident is worth.

To learn more and to receive your free consultation, contact High Stakes Injury Law today at (702) 605-6671. Time is of the essence. According to NRS §11.190(e), you generally only have two years from the time of the accident in which to file suit. Get started today by calling now.

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