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Does Premises Liability Cover Assault?

There is no rule that explicitly makes property occupiers liable for assaults that occur on their property. However, they are often held responsible in these instances. The determining factor in if premises liability covers assault in any given case is whether or not negligence played a part.  A victim’s assault can happen partially due to a property occupier’s failure to take adequate safety precautions. If they knew or […]

Can I Seek Compensation for a Motorcycle Road Rash Injury?

You have two years from the date of the road rash injury to pursue legal action for a personal injury, according to NRS §11.190(e). As the victim, Nevada puts the burden of proof on you and your legal team to establish the validity of your claim. Determining Liability for the Accident Part of a personal injury claim, […]

How Can a Lawyer Help Me with My Premises Liability Case?

If you are not a legal expert, you may need to get some help after an injury on another party’s property. A lawyer can help you with your premises liability case in several ways, including by: Continue reading for more information regarding what a lawyer does to help with a premises liability case. A Lawyer […]

Is the Truck Driver or Trucking Company Responsible in a Truck Accident?

A truck driver and trucking company can both be responsible for your truck accident. Every truck accident happens through unique circumstances, and we will determine who is legally accountable for your damages. A trucking company can be held liable for the actions of its employees. This means that a trucking company could also be responsible […]

Can I Move My Loved One to Another Nursing Home if I Suspect Abuse?

You may be able to move your loved one to another nursing home if you suspect abuse. If you fear that your loved one’s life is in danger or they could suffer immediate harm, you should contact law enforcement and remove them from the home immediately. Unfortunately, victims of abuse in nursing homes may not […]

How Can I Prove Negligence in a Premises Liability Case?

To prove negligence in a premises liability case, you will need to establish the following three elements to prove negligence in a claim: Property owners or business managers are legally obliged to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition for the public. If there is a hazard on the property, they must warn customers […]

Is Nevada a No-Fault State?

No, Nevada is not a no-fault state, which means that you will have to file a claim through the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. As a fault state, Nevada requires the at-fault party’s insurer to cover a victim’s damages resulting from a car accident. Additionally, it follows the modified comparative negligence doctrine, when both parties share […]

Can Dehydration Neglect Lead to Death?

Extreme dehydration has been known to lead to death, according to MedlinePlus. When nursing home employees fail to properly care for their residents, simple dehydration can quickly lead to much more serious complications. The longer the human body goes without water and nutrients, the more likely the sufferer is to endure life-altering effects. However, elderly patients […]

Is It Worth Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer?

If you are considering a personal injury claim or lawsuit following a truck accident, it may be worth hiring a truck accident lawyer to assist you with your case. You are under no obligation to seek the guidance of legal counsel. However, truck accident litigation can be complex, and a single avoidable error could cost […]

How Long Does a Premises Liability Claim Take to Settle?

It is impossible to give a precise answer on how long a premises liability claim takes to settle. This is because several factors go into resolving a claim. Everything from the nature of your injury to the aggressiveness of your legal counsel will play a part in determining how long a settlement might take.  Avoiding […]

What is the Average Wait Time for a Car Accident Settlement?

It’s impossible to give an average wait time for a car accident settlement because each case involves different factors, including: Your case may also take longer if there are any disputes with an insurance company over evidence and liability in your case, among other legal problems. While your case could take weeks or even years, […]

Is It Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?

Only you can ultimately decide whether it is worth hiring a car accident lawyer. For instance, if you were involved in a serious accident that resulted in life-threatening injuries, you may find value in having a lawyer handle your legal obligations for you. Even if you were in what initially appears to be a minor […]

What is the Average Settlement for a Rear-End Car Accident?

The outcomes of many rear-end car accident cases are not public record, so there is little to no information about the average settlement for these situations. Your potential compensation depends entirely on the circumstances of your collision. You could recover compensation for your past and future medical bills, future loss of earning capacity, and past […]

Is an Employer Liable for an Employee’s Car Accident?

Whether an employer is liable for an employee’s car accident depends on the situation. For instance, if the employee was acting within the scope of their employment, their employer could be liable for damages. However, if the employee was not on the clock or doing something other than their job at the time of the […]

What Damages Can I Receive for a Premises Liability Claim?

There are different types of damages you could receive for a premises liability claim, such as compensation for economic and non-economic losses. Medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering may apply in your case. While these damages typically relate to the severity of your injuries, the compensation available to you could cover far more […]

What is the Average Settlement for a Minor Car Accident?

The circumstances of minor car accidents vary, so there is no way to tell what the average settlement is for these situations. However, factors that can contribute to how much your case is worth depend on: A minor car accident lawyer from our team can review your case and evaluate your damages. We can calculate […]

What Evidence Do I Need to File a Premises Liability Claim?

If you are considering a premises liability claim, its success will depend in part on the strength of your evidence. Property owners and their insurance companies are not known for their generosity. If you cannot make a compelling case that you are entitled to compensation, the odds are good that your claim will be denied. […]