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How Negligence Is Established in a Motorcycle Accident?

Negligence is established in a motorcycle accident by proving that someone owed the victim a certain degree of care and failed to provide it, resulting in a collision, injuries, and financial damages. This will involve presenting various types of evidence, such as: Proof of Negligence Can Support a Case for Damagesa Every motorcycle crash case […]

How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” regarding how much it will cost to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer. Every client is unique. The accident’s circumstances, the severity of injuries, and how they impact an injured party’s life and ability to work will largely determine how compensation is negotiated. However, many law firms offer […]

How Much Should You Settle for After a Motorcycle Accident?

How much you should settle for after a motorcycle accident will depend upon the details of the incident, including the extent of property damage and personal harm you have suffered. Sadly, this is mainly because motorcycle accidents tend to cause severe, often life-threatening injuries. Victims fortunate enough to survive a crash may face seemingly insurmountable […]

How Much Is a Rear-End Accident Worth?

The amount a rear-end accident is worth depends on the extent of the damages it causes. These damages can include your injuries, damage to your vehicle, lost wages or future earning potential, and past and future pain and suffering. Behaviors that Cause Rear-End Traffic Accidents There are many kinds of dangerous driving behaviors that can […]

How Much Do Lawyers Charge for Accident Claims?

How much a lawyer charges for an accident claim depends on your lawyer and the nature of your case. At High Stakes Injury Law, we work on a contingency-fee-basis. We do not get paid unless we recover money. How Contingency Fee Cases Work When you or someone you love gets seriously injured in an accident, […]

How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Claim Take to Settle?

There is no way to estimate exactly how long a motorcycle accident claim takes to settle because each case is unique. That being said, a lawyer can help you estimate when you may receive a settlement based on the particular details of your case. When you work with a lawyer, they can help you file […]

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Motorcycle Accident?

In Nevada, you usually have two years to file a lawsuit after a motorcycle accident, according to NRS §11.190(4)(e). However, this deadline does not apply to everyone. Certain exceptions may give you more time to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. For instance, if you were injured as a motorcycle rider who was under the […]

How Do I Find a Good Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

You can find a good motorcycle accident lawyer by: The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be a challenging time for both you and your loved ones. A lawyer can shoulder many of the burdens that go into filing a successful claim or lawsuit. NRS §11.190(4)(e) may limit the amount of time that you have to file […]

Do You Have to Go to Court for a Motorcycle Accident?

Per the American Bar Association (ABA), no, you typically do not have to go to court for a motorcycle accident. Oftentimes, motorcycle accident cases are settled out of court through negotiations between the injured claimants and the liable insurance companies. Should negotiations fail, however, then the injured party may need to file a lawsuit to recover […]

Can You Sue for a Rear-End Motorcycle Collision?

Yes, you can sue for a rear-end motorcycle collision. In this instance, your case would be filed against the motorist who hit you. The American Bar Association (ABA) notes that a majority of motorcycle accident cases are settled without the need to go to court. However, if the insurance company denies your claim, employs bad faith insurance […]

Can You Sue for a Rear-End Motorcycle Collision?

Yes, you can sue for a rear-end motorcycle collision. In this instance, your case would be filed against the motorist who hit you. The American Bar Association (ABA) notes that a majority of motorcycle accident cases are settled without the need to go to court. However, if the insurance company denies your claim, employs bad faith insurance […]

Can I Sue Someone Personally After a Motorcycle Accident?

In some circumstances, you can sue someone personally after a motorcycle accident. Most accident cases involve the pursuit of accident-related losses. This process begins with filing an insurance claim. If you cannot get all your accident-related damages paid through this settlement, you can sue the liable party personally for the remaining figure of damages. How […]

What if the At-Fault Driver Offers Me Cash at the Accident Scene?

Sometimes after a crash, the other driver might admit to being at fault and may even offer you cash at the scene. At first, this could seem like a great way to avoid the hassle of calling the police or filing an insurance claim. However, there are many reasons accepting a cash offer from the […]

Wildlife Car Crashes: Who May Be Liable?

When wild or domestic animals stray or dart into a roadway the situation could be so unexpected it could cause a crash. Sometimes a driver in that situation may manage to avoid hitting the animal in the road but hit another vehicle or object instead. After being involved in a domestic or wildlife car crash, […]

What if My Crash Was Due to a Recalled Vehicle?

Most crashes are caused by human error, negligence or reckless behavior. However, there could be other factors, such as an ignored vehicle recall, that either contributed to a crash or made it more serious. Hundreds of vehicles are recalled each year across the U.S. for various reasons. From a defective airbag that fails to deploy […]

Liability for Crashes Due to Falling Objects From Other Vehicles

It is not uncommon for a passing pickup truck or other vehicle to throw a stone or other piece of road debris. However, what if a larger item falls onto your car and causes you to crash? Can you seek compensation for your injuries and other losses? Who could be liable and how do you […]

Proving PTSD Damages in a Personal Injury Case

When people get hurt because of someone else’s negligence, it may be necessary to file a third-party claim. This legal process enables the injured to seek compensation for economic damages, such as medical bills or lost wages. However, some victims may also develop pain and suffering damages, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Is it […]

Who Can be Held Liable if a U-Turn Causes a Crash?

U-turns are a convenient way to quickly turn a vehicle around. However, this maneuver can also be extremely dangerous when drivers ignore traffic laws or proper safety measures. Determining fault for any traffic accident is rarely straightforward, but U-turn crashes are unique since they are not always legal. Crash scene investigators will need to first […]

Passenger Rights After a Car Crash – What You Need to Know

When talking about car crashes and seeking compensation for injuries, the focus is often on the drivers. However, passengers may also suffer severe injuries in a collision. These injuries could result in significant medical costs, lost wages and other damages. Do these crash victims have any rights? At High Stakes Injury Law, we understand why […]

How Does Arbitration Work in an Accident Claim?

After a crash, victims often seek compensation for their damages in claims against the at-fault party’s insurance company. Although most injury cases are resolved through settlements negotiated out of court, the legal process takes time. Some victims may not want to wait months or years for their case to settle. Could pursuing an alternative dispute […]