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Why Get Legal Help After a Crash With a Drunk Driver

Las Vegas is a place where people like to cut loose, and that often means drinking a lot of alcohol. Unfortunately, far too many people drink and then get behind the wheel and cause dangerous crashes. Drunk driver crashes often result in serious injuries that affect victims for a long time. If you were injured […]

What if the Driver Who Hit My Car Fell Asleep?

How can you prove the driver who hit my car nodded off at the wheel, and how is liability assessed in this situation? At High Stakes Injury Law, we have been handling car crash claims for decades, which means we know how to handle difficult cases. We also have a strong history of getting results, […]

Liability for Blind-Spot Crashes: What You Should Know

Blind spots are a common road risk every driver experiences. Knowing where these reduced visibility zones are on your vehicle and on larger, commercial vehicles may help you to avoid a serious collision. Learn more about blind-spot crashes, including why proving liability is challenging and how a qualified attorney may benefit your case. At High […]

Do Online Settlement Calculators Give Accurate Results?

Many crash victims may use an online claim settlement calculator to help them find out how much their case could be worth. After trying multiple online calculators, however, victims may begin to wonder why the estimates on these sites vary so much. At High Stakes Injury Law, we can tell you that these calculators are […]

Insurance Tracking Devices: What Happens to Your Data After a Crash?

Car insurance is necessary, but unfortunately, it is also not cheap. Drivers often look for discounts that can help them save money. One way to save money is through your auto insurance carrier’s good driver discount program. Many large insurance companies offer similar programs to their policyholders. If you join a good driver program, you […]

Proving a Back Injury Resulted From a Car Crash

If you suffered a back injury from a crash, you may be eligible to recover compensation. However, because back injuries are so common, the insurance company will likely push back and try to devalue or deny your claim. They may say your back injury was not caused by the crash; that it was preexisting or […]

What if a Driver Lies About Causing an Accident?

If a driver lies to the police or insurers about causing your crash, it can become much more difficult to prove what really happened, and the insurance company may even deny your claim. How can you protect your ability to recover compensation for your medical costs and other damages? In Nevada, there are several laws […]

Myths Victims Should Know About When Filing a Car Crash Claim

A car crash is a difficult experience, even when the damages are minor. However, few injury claims are as straightforward as they first appear. When things get complicated, as they often do, victims may make decisions based on myths/misconceptions that could hurt their claim. At High Stakes Injury Law, we are prepared to protect your […]

Can I File a Car Accident Claim if I Was Not Wearing My Seat Belt?

Seat belts have been shown to save lives and reduce the severity of injuries in many crashes. Like many states, Nevada has laws about buckling up. However, how do these laws impact you if you were involved in a crash while not wearing a seat belt? Can you still seek compensation for your damages? At […]

Do Independent Medical Exams Matter in an Injury Claim?

During an injury claim, accident victims may receive requests to attend an independent medical examination (IME). Many injury victims are uncomfortable with the idea of being examined by a different doctor. They may also be concerned that the doctor performing the IME may be on the insurance company’s side. If you have been injured because […]

Does Legalized Marijuana Use Increase the Risk of a Crash?

Recent polls show that more than 68 percent of adults today support legalizing marijuana for recreational use. According to 2020 Census Bureau statistics, more than 145 million Americans already live in a state where the recreational use of marijuana is legal. In 2016, Nevada also passed laws legalizing marijuana – these laws went into effect […]

How to Protect Yourself After a Staged Car Crash

After being involved in a traffic accident, victims already have a lot to handle. However, what if that incident turns out to be a staged car crash? How do you protect your ability to recover your losses if the driver tries to shift the blame to you? Unfortunately, car crash scams are a real thing. […]

Who May be Liable if an Elderly Parent Causes a Crash?

Many older drivers are able to enjoy independence well into their seventies and beyond. Some, however, may develop certain medical conditions that may make activities like driving unsafe. Helping older drivers recognize their limitations and when it is time to stop driving is difficult. What happens if an elderly parent continues to drive, despite developing […]

Who is to Blame for a Red-Light Crash?

Hundreds of people die in red light crashes each year, and thousands more are injured. These numbers include drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicle passengers. While those who ignore traffic signals are often at fault, learn why proving blame for a red-light crash is rarely simple. High Stakes Injury Law discuss red-light crashes, including when others […]

Can You Be Liable for a Crash Your Teen Driver Causes?

Getting a driver’s license is an important step in helping teens become more independent. However, because of a lack of driving experience and maturity, a teen driver is more at risk for causing a serious crash. This may raise a lot of valid questions for parents of teen drivers. For instance, can you be liable […]

Are You Liable if Someone Steals Your Car and Crashes it?

Can victims of car theft be held liable if a thief crashes their car? What is a car owner’s responsibility in this situation? If the victim’s vehicle is recovered, but damaged, will insurance still pay to repair or replace it? Learn more about what could happen if your vehicle is stolen and then involved in […]

What if You Crash Your Car With an Expired Tag?

If you were involved in a car crash while driving with an expired tag, you may wonder how it may affect your legal options. Can you still file an injury claim against the at-fault driver? Will you be ticketed or face other penalties? What if your vehicle was struck by a vehicle with an expired […]

Can You Correct Police Report Errors After a Collision?

In Las Vegas, a police report needs to be filed within 10 days of a car crash. It provides critical details about the incident, vehicles and drivers involved. However, what if you get this report for an injury claim only to find it contains one or more mistakes? Can you get police report errors removed […]

Can I File a Claim if I Have No Memory of My Car Crash?

Memory loss after a car crash or any other traumatic event is common. Often, the inability to remember what happened is short-lived. However, memory loss could last longer or even be permanent. Learn more about memory loss after a crash, including whether it could prevent victims from seeking compensation. High Stakes Injury Law is a […]