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Auto Accidents

Seatbelt Use Saves Lives

Research shows that use of seatbelts can save lives and prevent injury. While wearing seatbelts has become more commonplace in America, many people still find reasons not to wear these safety devices consistently. This was the case in a recent accident in Las Vegas where four people who were not wearing seatbelts were seriously injured after one vehicle crashed into another, sending both vehicles into a light pole. One of the occupants who were not wearing a seatbelt was ejected from the vehicle. All four of the occupants of the first vehicle who were seriously injured were not wearing seatbelts. The occupant of the second vehicle, who was using a seatbelt, had only slight injuries. While statistics show that using safety restraints prevents injuries and fatalities, personal injury attorneys are often faced with the question of why more people do not wear seatbelts.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 2.3 million people were injured and treated at emergency rooms in 2009. Most of these treated were not wearing seatbelts. Use of seatbelts is the best way to prevent automobile accident injury, yet many adults do not wear them on a consistent basis. Statistics from the CDC show that serious crash-related injuries and deaths are reduced by 50 percent merely by use of seatbelts. Men are 10 percent less likely to use seatbelts than women and young adults ages 18 to 24 are the least likely to wear seatbelts. Although air bags are an additional source of protection against injury, the combined use of seatbelts and airbags provides the most security. Clearly, the use of seatbelts prevents serious injury and death in automobile accidents, so use of safety restraints on consistent basis should be encouraged. For example, officials can pass laws to ensure everyone in the vehicle uses a seatbelt, not just the driver.

Law enforcement officers can enforce these laws on a consistent basis with increased fines. Finally, public awareness campaigns can make wearing seatbelts the norm. Some states do not give their police officials the power to issue a ticket merely based on someone not wearing a seatbelt. Nineteen states in 2010 did not give police officers the power to issue a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. Only if someone were pulled over for another infraction could they be issued a citation.


If you have been involved in an automobile accident in the Las Vegas area, contact the law offices of High Stakes Injury Law. With extensive experience in personal injury law, the attorneys at High Stakes Injury Law can help you build your automobile accident caseCall us today for a free consultation or your case. There is no fee unless we win.

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