Hazardous conditions in premises liability cases refer specifically to any condition that could be dangerous or pose a threat to visitors. Both public and private property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe, and the failure to do so could be grounds for legal action.
An injured party generally files premises liability cases involving hazardous conditions with reason to believe their suffering was caused by the negligence or failure of a property owner to keep them safe. Examples could include slippery floors, lack of appropriate fire exits, inadequate security, and more. If you suffered due to a third-party property owner’s failure to maintain safe premises, you could be eligible for compensation.
Examples of Hazardous Conditions You Can Sue For
When you leave the comfort of your own home, you are putting your health, safety, and well-being in the hands of others. Unfortunately, sometimes third parties make mistakes or fail to act reasonably in a way that puts you or your loved ones at risk.
Examples of factors that are considered hazardous include but are not limited to the following:
- Lack of security personnel
- Unlocked doors or windows
- Inadequate fire safety measures
- Slippery floors
- Loose guard rails
- Exposed cords or electric devices
- Potholes or road defects
- Improper snow or ice removal
- Animals left off of leashes
- Poor maintenance
If you experienced any of the above or suffered on a third party’s property for any other reason, your accident could have been preventable. If a third party was at fault, you could have legal rights and options available.
Proving liability following an accident is important, and if you suspect your injury was preventable, it could be beneficial to speak with a lawyer about your case.
Proving Liability in a Negligence Case
If you were injured away from your own home in a hazardous condition, it is important to prove liability. Because private and public property owners are required to maintain safe premises, a business owner, landlord, government entity, or even an acquaintance may be at fault.
Evidence of a hazardous condition case is very useful in strengthening these types of cases.
Injuries and Losses that Could Entitle You to Compensation
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 40 million doctor visits were caused by unintentional accidents and injuries in 2016 alone, along with approximately 24.5 million visits to the emergency room. Sadly, CDC also reported that unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death in the United States each year.
If you were injured in an accident on a third party’s property, you could be suffering in one or more the following ways:
- Broken bones
- Dislocations, sprains, strains, and injuries to the joint
- Scrapes, cuts, burns, bruises
- Injuries to the spinal cord, brain, head, or neck region
- Internal bleeding
- Vehicle or property damage or loss
- Emotional trauma and suffering
If something considered a hazardous condition could have been removed or prevented, victims of any related accident could be eligible for compensation.
Recoverable Compensation You Could Be Entitled to
Following a preventable accident, you could be suffering in several different ways as a victim. This might include medical issues from physical injuries, personal loss of property, financial difficulties, as well as emotional trauma from a dramatic event in your life. Thankfully, victims have rights and can recover compensation if another party is proved to be liable.
As a victim, you could recover compensation in the form of reimbursement for medical expenses, legal fees, lost property, and more. If your work situation was affected by your accident, you could additionally claim lost wages in a premises liability case. You could even receive damages for any emotional suffering you experienced.
Every case is quite different, so it may be useful to review your situation with a lawyer. Educating yourself about your options is important to make the right decision regarding whether or not filing a claim is appropriate for you.
If You’ve Been the Victim of a Hazardous Condition, an Attorney Can Help You
Depending on the details of your case, you may have grounds to take legal action following an injury, accident, theft, or another type of trauma. Your suffering could be due to reasons that are considered hazardous conditions in premises liability cases, meaning you could have reason to take legal action. Call today for more information and a free consultation.