Everyone has heard dogs referred to as “man’s best friend.” Whether a person agrees with that particular assessment or not, it’s impossible not to acknowledge the connection that humans have with canines. Unfortunately, this connection isn’t a perfect one. Over 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog every year in America. There are times when pets attack their owners, but in many cases, victims are harmed by animals they don’t own or have never met. If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in such an attack, you might be entitled to financial compensation. A dog bite lawyer in Las Vegas may be able to help.
At High Stakes Injury Law, our personal injury attorneys have worked hard over the years to hold negligent dog owners accountable. In many instances, it’s not really the animal’s fault. Neglecting an animal, training it to be vicious, allowing it to roam unleashed, and other reckless behaviors all increase the risk of a dog becoming violent. This has become a particular problem in Clark County — where animal control responds to nearly 1,000 dog bite calls yearly — even when not including Las Vegas and Henderson.
If you or someone you love has become the victim of an attack, there may be legal remedies available. Contact us online or call our office today at (702) 720-2916 for a free consultation.