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Sunrise Manor NV Personal Injury Lawyers



When Sunrise Manor was ranked as the worst city in which to survive a zombie apocalypse, most people didn’t bat an eye, particularly since spacious homes were one of the “negative” criteria affecting our area. Unfortunately, the city’s rankings for drunk driving, car accidents, and other potentially injurious issues are a much more serious matter. It only takes a single moment of neglect or recklessness for a careless individual to cause serious injuries and potentially life-changing harm. If you or a loved one have suffered injuries caused by such an incident, a personal injury lawyer in Sunrise Manor, Nevada may be able to help.

At High Stakes Injury Law, our law firm has spent more than 30 years serving Sunrise Manor and the surrounding area. We understand that the legal process can seem complex and frustrating. This is no surprise considering the many nuances of liability and the tedious nature of both settlement negotiations and litigation. However, you don’t have to pursue compensation on your own. Our legal services are focused on securing maximum compensation on behalf of our clients. We understand that this may seem like an uphill battle, but High Stakes Injury Law is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Do You Have a Valid Personal Injury Claim?

Any personal injury attorney will tell you that not all cases are eligible for compensation. There are times when no one is to blame for an incident. It’s also possible that a court may decide that the victim was more than 50% at fault for their injury. Under Nevada’s modified comparative negligence statute, this would mean they’re entitled to no compensation at all. The important thing to remember is that not all cases are what they may seem. Even if you believe you might be partially at fault for your injury, it’s best to speak with a Sunrise Manor, Nevada personal injury attorney.

That’s because the validity of a personal injury claim will always come down to liability. You’ll need to show that another party’s actions caused injuries or losses on your part. This will require showing that the negligent party had a duty of care. This is essentially a responsibility to avoid actions or inaction that could harm others, and a defendant’s level of duty will differ based on the circumstances of your case. This might all sound complicated, and in most ways, it is. However, the help of a skilled and experienced legal professional can go a long way in these cases. Contact High Stakes Injury Law today to learn more.

What Personal Injury Cases Does High Stakes Injury Law Take?

Most personal injury commercials you’ll encounter show car accident victims or those injured due to the negligence of a big rig truck driver. While these certainly fall under the umbrella of liability law, there are actually many other areas that qualify as well. You could seek legal help from a law firm that handles only one type of case, but we believe this might hinder your ability to secure fair financial compensation. After all, an attorney with experience in a variety of personal injury cases will have a better understanding of relevant law and how it affects your claim. That’s why the law offices of High Stakes Injury Law handle all the following case types:

To be clear, this list is far from exhaustive. Nevada law often treats matters like auto accidents, product liability, medical malpractice, and other issues of negligence the same. That’s because it all comes down to the improper actions of one party causing damages to another party. As such, we have experience in just about any personal injury claim you could imagine. Our primary goal is to hold a liable party accountable for the harm they’ve caused, and we’ll work tirelessly to improve the odds of your case getting the best possible outcome.

What Damages Might You Be Entitled To?

Personal injury cases can play out in a variety of ways. In many cases, however, they end with insurance company settlements. As a legal matter, this is typically how civil law issues are resolved. However, there is a chance that an insurer may refuse to offer fair compensation. Maybe the combination of your current and future medical bills is too big of a “hit” for them, or maybe they don’t want to pay out damages for emotional recovery and other non-economic losses. Regardless of their reasoning, this can lead to litigation. And if your case goes to court, there are several types of damages possible:

  • Special damages: Any economic loss an injury victim faces will fall under special damages. This can include the cost of medical attention, lost wages, physical therapy, property damage, and other real expenses.
  • General damages: Non-economic losses can also be compensated via general damages. This court award focuses on things like pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, and other non-financial losses. There are caps on these damages in certain cases.
  • Punitive damages: There are times when a defendant’s actions are so egregious that the court decides they warrant further punishment. These are known as punitive damages. They’re rare, but they could be worth three times as much as compensatory damages.

If you can secure fair financial compensation without the need for a personal injury lawsuit, that is typically the route you want to take. There’s a reason why over 90% of civil cases end in a settlement: it’s often in the best interest of everyone involved. Accident victims and those who suffer injuries from reckless acts deserve maximum compensation, but when an insurance company won’t do what’s right, it’s important to have a trial lawyer on your side. At High Stakes Injury Law, our personal injury attorneys in Sunrise Manor, Nevada are willing to take your case to trial if that’s what’s necessary.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Sunrise Manor, Nevada Today

Suffering serious physical injuries is often more than just a temporary setback. While some people may merely be inconvenienced for a few months, others can face years of medical bills, lost income, and life-changing consequences. Regardless of the specifics of your situation, though, you may be entitled to compensation if negligence was involved. Your personal injury case will involve settlement negotiations and maybe even litigation, but these are necessary hurdles for obtaining fair financial recovery. This no doubt sounds like a tall task, but with experienced legal representation on your side, you can focus on healing instead.At High Stakes Injury Law, our legal team is committed to helping injury victims get maximum compensation. In some instances, this may mean securing special damages for their lost wages and other expenses. In more serious situations, it could include seeking punitive damages for extreme recklessness. No matter the situation our clients find themselves in, however, our law firm fights tirelessly on their behalf to ensure justice is served. Contact us today by calling (702) 444-3228 to schedule a free consultation. Our personal injury lawyers in Sunrise Manor, Nevada will aggressively advocate on your behalf to seek fair financial recovery.

5 stars representing review rating quotation marks for testimonials

If you are in need of a wonderful law firm to handle your personal injury case please read this. Three years ago I was that person. I had never filed a lawsuit in the 30 years that I lived in Las Vegas Nevada… rust in this firm, they will not disappoint you and you will feel the confidence that you need to feel in your attorney.

- Diane Buchanan

5 stars representing review rating quotation marks for testimonials

I just hired this law firm to help me after an accident. I really appreciated Attorney Poisson contacting me to discuss all the things to anticipate when involved in a lawsuit. He spent a lot of time with me, he was very informative, he was very thorough and very nice. I really appreciated that time spent with me.

- Susan Russell


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Resulting in neck injury






Resulting in loss of limb





Clients' Stories

woman holding her head in front of a crashed car



  • Do I Have A Case?
  • Dealing With The Insurance Company
  • When a Lawsuit Is Filed
  • Overcoming Common Defense Themes
  • Special Considerations in Specific Types of Cases